
Leaking Detection and Repair:

 R and A Plumbing and Heating offer avery unique and popular service. We specialize in thermal imaging US homes to detect signs of leaks, moisture testing, heat loss and energy audits, missing insulation, infrared leak detection, electrical switchboard thermal imaging surveys and more.. 
Our Services in Detail:
Leak Detection - Getting a regular infrared leak detection inspection is a must for every US home owner and investor… it’s no different to you or I getting a regular check-up from a dentist… if we don’t, our teeth rot. A home is no different. You might have excess moisture in your walls that you don’t even know about… and it’s literally rotting away the equity in your home. Within minutes, we can detect signs of moisture in your walls, floors and ceiling! More details here including a photo of how excess moisture in your wall would appear through our camera.